第18回 数学教育心理学国際学会 (PME18) 報告

 今年 (1994年) のPMEは、ポルトガルの首都リスボンで、7月29日から8月3日にかけて開催された。参加者は395名(当日配付の参加者リストによる)で、日本からは国際委員の重松先生をはじめとして8名の参加であった。今年はリサーチレポートの発表も多く、プロシーディングスはついに4冊組となり、また最終日も18:00までというスケジュールであった。ポルトガルというと勝手に暑いという先入観を持っていたが、実際には涼しく過ごしやすく、会議中も暑くて困るということはなかった。

7月30日 J.Mason Researching from the Inside in Mathematics Education: Locating an I-you relationship
7月31日 H.N.Janhke The Historical Dimension of Mathematics Understanding: Objectifying the Subjective
8月2日 J.P.Ponte Mathematics Teachers' Professional Knowledge
8月3日 C.Kieran A Functional Approach to the Introduction of Algebra: Some Pros and Cons
また、8月1日にはプレナリーパネルが行われ、以下のような提案があった; P.Ernest The History of Mathematics and the Learning of Mathematics: Psychological Issues
L.Grugnetti Relations between History and Didactics of Mathematics
T.Rojano The Case of Pre-Symbolic Algebra and the Operation of the Unknown
A.Sfard What History of Mathematics Has to Offer to Psychology of Mathematics Learning
E.Veloso Practical Use of Mathematics in the Past: A Historical Approach to the Learning of Mathematics


 Advanced Mathematics (24), Afective Factors(3), Algebraic Thinking(29), Assessment and Evaluation(8), Beliefs(26), Computers, Calculators(18), Cultural Factors(6), Early Number Learning(13), Epistemology(20), Functions and Graphs(14), Gender(3), Geometric and Spatial Thinking(16), Imagery and Visualization(22), Language and Mathematics(17) Metacognition(10), Measurement(3), Methods of Proof(5), Modelling(5), Probability, Statistics and Combinatorics(6),  Problem Solving(27), Rational Numbers and Proportin(12), Social Construction of Mathematical Knowledge(23), Social Factors(8), Teacher Education(31), Theories of Learning(25).


Psychology of Inservice Education of Mathematics Teachers: A Research Perspective (Dawson, Wood, Jaworski), Cultural Aspects in the Learning of Mathematics (Denys), Research on the Psychology of Mathematics Teacher Development (Ellerton), Social Psychology of Mathematics Education (Evans, Rogers), Geometry (Gutierrez), Representations (Janvier, Vergnaud), Teachers as Researcher in Mathematics Education (Mousley, Breen), Algebraic Processes and Structure (Rojano, Sutherland), Research on Ratio and Proportion (J.Sowder), Advanced Mathematical Thinking (Tall, Ervynck), Classroom Research (Teppo)
Cabri-Geometry (Balacheff), Vygotskyan Research and Mathematics Learning (Crawford, Lerman), Mathematics Classroom as Complex Adaptative Systems (Dawson, Love, Mason), Post Structuralism (Ernest, Brown), Psychological Foundations for Systemic Reform in Schools (Lesh), Visualization in Teaching- Learning Situations (Mariotti, Pesci), Research on Learning Mathematics and Programming (Noss, D.Clements), Using Open-Ended Problems in Mathematics Class (Pehkonen).

