Previous Publications
- Nunokawa, K. (1995). Problem solving as modelling: A case of augmented-quotientdivision problem. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science andTechnology, 26 (5), 721-727.
- Nunokawa, K. (1994). Solver's structures of a problem situation and their globalrestructuring. Journal of Mathematical Behavior, 13 (3), 275-297.
- Nunokawa, K. (1994). Improving diagrams gradually: One approach to using diagramsin problem solving. For the Learning of Mathematics, 14 (1), 34-38.
- Nunokawa, K. (1994). Naturally GeneratedElements and Giving Them Senses: A Usage of Diagrams in Problem Solving.In J. P. Ponte & J. F. Matos (Eds.), Proceedings of the 18th International Conferencefor the Psychology of Mathematics Education, vol. III (pp.376-383). Lisbon: Universityof Lisbon.
- Nunokawa, K. (1994). Solvers' Spontaneous Balancing of the Level of Difficulty in Mathematical Problem Solving. Tsukuba Journal ofEducational Study in Mathematics, 12 (B), 47-56.
- Nunokawa, K. (1993). Prospective Structures in
Mathematical Problem Solving. In I. Hirabayashi et al. (Eds.), Proceedings ofthe 17th
International Conference for the Psychology of Mathematics Educaiton, vol. III
(pp.49-56). Tsukuba: University of Tsukuba.
- Nunokawa, K. (1993). Giving a New Sense to van Hiele Theory: Reconsideration from Perspectivesof Informal Knowledge and Zone of Proximal Development.
Research Journal of Educational Methods (National Association for the Study
of Educational Method), 19, 37-46.
- Nunokawa, K. (1992). A Consideration on
van Hiele Levels from the Perspective of Recognizing Figures.
Bulletin of Institute of Education (University of Tsukuba), 16 (2), 139-152.
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